“… probably my favourite part of any good walk, that 1st glimpse each time of the rocks and “cliffs” before Victoria River as you 1st walk in from west oz, because you know Katherine ain’t “far” → my goal, to put all of this knowledge into developing a plan to put PEOPLES in the “driving seat” of Australia again … which i proceeded to do“
“…. and to give y’all these perfectly workable ideas, designed to benefit y’all and your Kids and their Kids ad infinitum”
Let me just make a few things perfectly clear here, since i 1st started solo wandering swamplands from about age 4 i’v been paying attention to the way the Australian eco-system works, i learned to read at a young age, to the point that in grade 1 i had finished all the books in the class library, was a member in good standing of the town library and had unlimited access to the books in every other class library grades 2-7, and the school library, and could wander through the other classes any time i’d finished my given work before class finished, i.e, most of the time, i was tested in grade 4 to have a reading comprehension level equivalent to that of an 18+ year old uni student, and had read copiously even by then, including your “ol’faves” ‘the hobbit’ and ‘the lord of the rings’ trilogy (boring as batshit incidentally, no Chicks, a bit too “boys own” if you get my drift), my main readings (after a childhood interest of a year or 2 of voraciously devouring and comparing various religious texts and folklore) were the sciences.
by the time i was nearing upper primary school i had finished basically everything in the school’s resources, and had graduated to 4 library cards at the town library, each allowing me 3 books at a time, with access to all areas of that library, and no limit on how many times i took out and returned and took out more books each week (or day for that matter) all privileges of which i took full advantage through the remainder of primary school and on through high school, which brought with it yet another library, which i also set about “devouring”, (a “quite” fkn HIGH iq) both by taking out books in bulk, and by spending any spare time “speed scanning” more, after school, and various new freedoms (of which sex was probably my main fave for a few years, a few hours or so every day keeps you fit).
i began wandering around Australia, mostly on foot working farms, building sites, gold claims etc, from the south west through the gold fields and northern gold fields, out to the Kimberleys for walks through boab “forests”, into the northern territory (probably my favourite part of any good walk, that 1st glimpse each time of the rocks and “cliffs” before Victoria River as you 1st walk in from west oz) because you know Katherine ain’t “far”, all the while checking out the different facets of the Natural eco-system, how it’s changed since my last walk there in a different season etc, checking out the man-made catchments and dams stretching out around northern wa, etc, etc, et fkn, cetera, my goal, to put all of this knowledge, hard won, into developing a plan to put PEOPLES in the “driving seat” of Australia again, which i proceeded to do, and to give y’all these perfectly workable ideas, designed to benefit y’all and your Kids and their Kids ad infinitum …. njoi!billie
“We may be Observing the same Flame through different Facets of the same diamond, we may be the same Flame looking out through different facets of the same diamond, but never forget that there may be other diamonds” Billie Reid.
* Nikola Tesla had a knack of being able to draw printed circuitry in his mind that worked, my forte is being able to totally rehabilitate this entire Planet, every last detail in my mind, all perfectly workable, TRULY Green, revivifying the deserts of the Planet as oasis after oasis producing more food than ten times the current population could use, more water than 100 times the current population could use, non-polluting power production, removal of current pollution and constructive recycling thereof, a Planet where your kids won’t be required to live in rabbit hutches. Billie Reid.
Nikola Tesla (Britannica): A Serbian American inventor and engineer who discovered and patented the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. He immigrated to the United States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology.
In 1899 Tesla made what he regarded as his most important discovery – terrestrial stationary waves. By this discovery he proved that Earth could be used as a conductor and made to resonate at a certain electrical frequency. He also lit 200 lamps without wires from a distance of 40 km and created man-made lightning, producing flashes measuring 41 metres. At one time he was certain he had received signals from another planet in his Colorado laboratory, a claim that was met with derision in some scientific journals.
“…. new ideaz, what of …. solarhartz size of paddockz in desert …. chuck out of RIVERBEDZ in queenzland and surround entire mountains with “egg fry ringz” of carbon fibre damz …. run water to deserts …. build cf girder eiffel tower but 3 timez size windmill towers with turbines …. run steam turbinez off paddock sized solarhartz …. uze carbon freed from CO2 to make more cf …. line-of-sight laser linkz between towerz rather than antique optic fibre …. lay cable sheathed in cf mesh to “virtual city” cross country in oz …. cover damz with cf girderz and decking and TERMITE PROOF dwellingz …. get carbon creditz from world for REMOVING noxious CO2, not just TAXING it …. float cf tarpz size of city out over coast on cf zepplins for easy retraction to angle evaporation from ocean back to land for redistribution inland …. cf pipelinez to SIPHON inland seas back to inland sea below sea level areas where once they were …. start planting coastal jarrah etc, around new coastlines and islands ….” Billie Reid.
“…. this is the lightspeed and below universe of our physical senses, the single-particle-theory tachyon soup created as the single tachyon intersects with itself in different places at the same time, and the same place at different times; this may be metaphorically considered as the consciousness of creation, the mind ….“
Just as the cosmos in its physical sense is a totally inter-related manifestation of its component attributes of gravitational and electromagnetic coincidence, so the events/consciousness’s within that cosmos may be seen to be dependent on/connected to everything else that occurs within that same instant (i.e, synchronicity). Accepting this, and being that we can have no real concept of (or existence in) an instantaneous universe, we may extrapolate that for all our intents and purposes a combined continuity of time and space is a prerequisite of our conscious awareness of the reality that we appear to occupy and that therefore, all events throughout time and space are influenced by and influencing all other events within that continuum in a coherent and instantaneous manner regardless of temporal and/or spatial remoteness. This is the lightspeed and below universe of our physical senses, the single-particle-theory tachyon soup created as the single “tachyon” (4want’v betr word, i.e, instantaneous particle/wave “pixel/bit/packet” … no mass, no volume, “just” infinite velocity) intersects with itself in different places at the same time, and the same place at different times; this may be metaphorically considered as the consciousness of creation, the mind. The faster than light realm of the uninterrupted tachyon may be thought of as the subconscious mind of Eternity (as above, so below etc). We have the potential (in our role as an interface between rational/instinctive/emotional consciousness, between physical/spiritual, matter and energy) to challenge the apparent boundaries of our existence, to examine the walls of our cell for loose stones, to grab a can of spray paint and try to tag the invisible as it moves amongst us. Some try…. this is their Lounge … Welcome to the Dawn … “The game is afoot” … Eternity Beware, Oblivion is at hand. LOL.
Billie Reid | Single Tachyon Extrapolation of Existence | Ode To The Dudes | Youtube
Billie Reid is one intriguing cat. I’m hearing a rich hybrid telling me that he’s been absorbing and assimilating for a long time, that he understands the power of words, of poetry even. He’s plainly a rocker at heart but just as plainly there’s a lot going on in his heart and head – from skittering banjo to grinding blues to playful pop. There could even be some whirlygig jugband going on and, dare I say it, a nod or two to “His Bobness” – both Zimmerman (Dylan), and the acerbic Irish Knight Geldof.
One gets the feeling that Billie’s not overly concerned with expectations or categories, that he’s having a whale of a time and if you want to come along for the ride that’s fine by him. How did The Hombres put it all those years ago? …. “Nobody knows what it’s all about. It’s too much man, let it all hang out.” Glenn A. Baker (Music Historian).
“… put more simply, Billie Reid is a poet and he **** **** knows it!”
“… this street walkin’ cheetah, with a heart full of napalm, has a lot to say about love, loss, and the state of the world. Put more simply, Billie Reid is a poet and he **** **** knows it!”
… the unfurling lyrical attack of Reid as he aims straight for the jugular, singing “they won’t let us live on the beaches, they won’t let us live in the trees, the bastards just lock us in stables, and sell one another the keys”. The lyrics appear to be born out of a particular brand of anti-capitalistic fervour aroused by the Occupy protests, with a call for an alternative beyond the current dire political outlook of partisan politics and limiting left/right perspectives.
Reid’s uncompromising spirit shines through the course of this album. This is a man whose footsteps aim to re-find the path set down by the luminaries of the independent music scene. While the machine-gun delivery of his words recalls the lyrical fire and brimstone of Bob Dylan, as well as the acerbic energy of Johnny Cash, the quick-fire musical vignettes that fill this LP bring to mind punk stalwarts the Wire. Resultantly, Billie Reid’s music is a volatile hybrid, combining the purebred folk compulsions of bluegrass and rockabilly, infused with Reid’s own punk-influenced approach to songwriting. This street walkin’ cheetah, with a heart full of napalm, has a lot to say about love, loss, and the state of the world. Put more simply, Billie Reid is a poet and he **** **** knows it!
“Poet, songwriter, Billie Reid eschews the road of rock’n’roll excess and fake outrage”
Some people sell out, they get worn down or just become plain desperate for a payoff or hunger fame, but for others their music and words are non-negotiable. They never do the record company thing and can’t sway from their chosen path, always true to their roots it’s in the DNA of their lyrics and tunes. That’s Billie Reid. Perhaps he knew he would never fit in. Honest and unpretentious with an almost indifferent disregard to what was fashionable and in the charts. He couldn’t and wouldn’t play the music biz game.
But Billie isn’t desperate for fame, he won’t play that game. Reclusive and flying under the radar he eschews the road of rock’n’roll excess and fake outrage, and in his own way his game plan has made him the underdog. It’s a dangerous fickle game that can lead to nowhere, but with this territory comes credibility and I guess this is priceless, and Billie has it by the bucket load.
His songs are here. Give them time and they will slowly seep into your life. All that matters is the moment and the emotion. Simple words, honest musicianship.