“…. regardless, funny how immediately after yanks spring russia burying cosmonauts in isolation chambers to check their psychological capacity for “potential” mars trip”
“… that crew used to milk m’brains then scoff so widnae be surprised …”
Back in 1999 when Darren John Halifax was recording Billie Reid’s album ‘Ode To The Dudes’, Billie relayed the story of how he wrote his song ‘Slaves, Replacement Technology and the Neutron Bomb’, in 1988. The following summer, Ben Elton’s book ‘Stark’ was published, using a similar theme. “At the time I didn’t delve that deeply. However I did broach the issue with him in late 2010, asking if he thought Ben had “borrowed” his idea”, said Halifax. “Billie pointed out that a couple he had stayed with at a farmhouse south of Fremantle (Western Australia) “… that crew used to milk m’brains then scoff so widnae be surprised …“, went on to rent from and stay with Ben and his wife Sophie, and that Ben’s ‘Stark’ appeared soon after. Billie suggested that “it could just be a coincidence, and that it was more a case that great minds think alike”. I wouldn’t be so sure. My thoughts are that this idea quite possibly started with Billie. Those of us that know Billie would conclude that he wouldn’t mention it unless he genuinely thought it. Had the connection not existed between Billie and Ben then the alarm bells would not have rung. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the seed for ‘Stark’ came from Billie. With all respect to Ben, and bearing in mind that Stark is a 500-page novel and that Billie’s work is a brief lyric, the concept is remarkably close. The timing, the connection and the similar theme suggests he could well have been inspired by Billie”.
David Nicholson
Ben Elton (Wikipedia): Benjamin Charles Elton (born 3 May 1959) is an English comedian, actor, author, playwright, lyricist and director. He was a part of London’s alternative comedy movement of the 1980’s and became a writer on the sitcoms The Young Ones and Blackadder, as well as continuing as a stand-up comedian on stage and television. His style in the 1980s was left-wing political satire. His novels cover the dystopian, comedy, and crime genres.
‘Stark’ (Wikipedia): Is a 1989 novel by comedian Ben Elton. It was commercially and critically successful in the United Kingdom and Australia. It was Elton’s first novel, and launched his writing career. The novel was adapted into ‘Stark’, a television miniseries. It is a comedy with environmental themes. It is set mainly in Australia, in a dystopian near-future, and the lead protagonist is an expat Englishman. Much of the early plot takes place in Carlton, a fictional town south of Perth, Western Australia. The final scene takes place at an unspecified location in outer space, perhaps on the Moon.
* Yo darren, re ben elton, prefer to think great minds think alike, but seeing as his every book since has just been re-write of ‘stark’ … yeah, cupl that used to stay at farmhouse i rented stayed with ben and sophie after …. the summer he wrote ‘stark’, i’d already written ‘slaves’, could just be coincidence, but that crew used to milk m’brains then scoff so widnae be surprised … regardless, funny how immediately after yanks spring russia burying cosmonauts in isolation chambers, to check their psychological capacity for “potential” mars trip, i.e, miners WAY more needed for mars attempt, astronauts are flyboys, not (under) ground crew that any colony their would require, even with rock-munching oxygen producing bacteria, … take centuries to make breathable atmosphere there, much saner to send miners/convicts to burrow quickly oxygenizable burrows … newayz,njoi,billie.
* The first BIG release, information from the ‘Human Genome (Mapping) Project’, was not some CURE FOR DISEASE, or anything that you would expect to be happy about, but was them being really happy that they DISCOVERED a way to IDENTIFY and REMOVE with “gene-shears”, or potentially remove with “gene-sheers”, the group of genes on the human chromosome responsible for the onset of REBELLIOUS BEHAVIOUR IN ADOLESCENCE, right! …. hmmm, see …. ANDROIDS!! That’s what I mean? If you can clone a sheep YOU CAN CLONE A HUMAN! If you can clone a mouse YOU CAN CLONE A HUMAN! …. you know, because the genetic difference …. the technique is the same. There’s no difference. It’s just basically injecting the cellular information, the chromosomes from the host you are trying to clone, into a fresh egg THAT’S HAD THE NUCLEUS DESTROYED, right, THAT’S IT! That’s basically it! …. then you grow it in a womb, or test tube or whatever. IT’S AS SIMPLE AS THAT! Basically, IF YOU CAN CLONE A MONKEY YOU CAN SURE THA **** CLONE A HUMAN, BECAUSE A HUMAN IS A MONKEY!! …. and they’ve been cloning monkeys since not long after they first cloned sheep. So if they can now clone, you know, if they can get the genetic information before they put it in the egg, and they “can remove those genes responsible for the onset of rebellious behaviour in adolescence” right, they can have nice compliant “DON’T EVEN NEED WAGES” SLAVES, right …. EN MASS!! And THAT’S when they’ll go into their bunkers …. and NEUTRON BOMB THE REST OF THE PLANET!! They don’t need anybody else after that. IT’S ALL THEIRS! …. That’s it! RIGHT …. WINNING THE HUMAN RACE!!
Chimpanzees ‘Natural Born Killers’, Scientists Say (ABC): Chimpanzees are naturally violent towards each other in the face of increased competition for food or habitat, a new study has found. The research, published in the journal Nature, contradicts previous speculation by zoologists that human interference may have caused lethal violence in chimpanzee communities. They found coordinated violence is an evolutionary strategy because chimps kill to wipe out rivals and gain territory, mates, water or food. In Darwinian terms, chimps seek an advantage to help them survive and hand on their genes to future generations. The groups of chimps would often band together to carry out murderous raids on another community, typically killing rival males and infants who were not genetically related. They sometimes snatched babies from nursing mothers to slaughter them but spared the females. (18th Sept 2014).
Apart from the fact that human’s ARE chimps, i.e, pygmy chimps and humans share about 98% of their dna, that’s more “siblings” than it is “cousins” …. they don’t actually “disprove” the earlier theories of human’s causing aggro in chimps, i.e, not only do humans murder chimps, cage them, etc, they also “behave badly” within the chimps’ world area, AND, they murder everything else around the chimps, including their habitat and food supply, i.e, they TERRORIZE the chimps, whom then react the same way as any OTHER human, and exhibit psychotic, erratic, increasingly violent behaviour, i.e, it’s merely propaganda to make humans believe that their OWN abhorrent behaviour patterns are “natural”, and not actually deliberately stress-induced control mechanisms instigated by the “elite”, to keep themselves in biscuits and manipulatable thug cannon-fodder ….
Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians (Scientific American): Palaeolithic diets have become all the rage, but are they getting our ancestral diet all wrong? Right now, one half of all Americans are on a diet. The other half just gave up on their diets and are on a binge. Collectively, we are overweight, sick and struggling. Our modern choices about what and how much to eat have gone terribly wrong. (23rd July 2012).
as i’v mentioned countless times, chimps (such as humans) are geared to eat VEGETATION, not corpse (apart from the occasional un-noticed ant on a berry etc, although chimps that live in areas populated by humans sometimes copy them by eating tiny amounts of corpse, or chocolate biscuits or other poisons, not terribly “happily” though) …. vegetarian teeth (surprise surprise) and a long vegetarian intestine prove that more than anything …. and the imbeciles who say “oh, but we have a short intestine as well” don’t have a ***** clue, what, they “think” that rotting corpse somehow magically ONLY uses the short intestine? or that the fact that human endocrine and enzyme production doesn’t digest corpse efficiently and actually produces carcinogens from oxidation/carbonization (burning) of corpse by acids is somehow “irrelevant”? … simple ********!! njoi!slainté. Billie Reid.
Human Genome (Mapping) Project (Wikipedia): The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint. It remains the world’s largest collaborative biological project. The project was proposed and funded by the US government; planning started in 1984, got underway in 1990, and was declared complete in 2003.
So Billie, re your Humans Are Chimps point, couldn’t it be said the other way …. Chimps Are Humans? (d.j.halifax).
Well yeah, that was my point … i.e, they TERRORIZE the chimps, whom then react the same way as any OTHER human, and exhibit psychotic, erratic, increasingly violent behaviour …. ciao!b
* enjoy … i wrote ‘slaves’ (Slaves, Replacement Technology and the Neutron Bomb) in the early 1980’s, these days (since the ‘human genome (mapping) project’ announced its “1st big discovery”, i.e, “the gene group responsible for the onset of rebellious behaviour in adolescents”, and how to “gene-shear” it out of the species), i’d replace the term “android” with “rebellion-proof clones”. Billie Reid.
‘Slaves, Replacement Technology and the Neutron Bomb’ | by poet, songwriter, Billie Reid
I wrote ‘slaves’ (‘Slaves, Replacement Technology and the Neutron Bomb’) back when it seemed computer technology would leave cloning technology in the dust, it might be right, it might be healthy paranoia, either way i’d personally prefer to err on the side of, oh, NOT being nuked out of existence by a tribe of hydrocarbon-sniffing, xenophobic, troglodytes ….
…. you’ve given them clone-tech, and the neutron bomb, and dna-shears and even mapped the human genome for them enough that for half a decade+ now they’ve known which gene group to “trim” to remove “rebellious behaviour during adolescence” …. njoi!billie
( … these days i’d replace the term “android” with “rebellion-proof clones” … )
Billie Reid | Slaves, Replacement Technology and the Neutron Bomb (Official Music Video) | Ode To The Dudes | Youtube
* Humans run on heartbeats/pulses that vary with mood, activity, the weather etc, whereas metronomes (including time signals, watches/clocks, frames-per-second visual input etc), “entrance” people and are the very basis of mesmerism/hypnotism, especially useful for keeping peasants toiling not rebelling …. the term “robot” for example is derived from eastern European “robotnik”, an old term for a peasant or serf. Billie Reid.
“… put more simply, Billie Reid is a poet and he **** **** knows it!”
“… this street walkin’ cheetah, with a heart full of napalm, has a lot to say about love, loss, and the state of the world. Put more simply, Billie Reid is a poet and he **** **** knows it!”
… the unfurling lyrical attack of Reid as he aims straight for the jugular, singing “they won’t let us live on the beaches, they won’t let us live in the trees, the bastards just lock us in stables, and sell one another the keys”. The lyrics appear to be born out of a particular brand of anti-capitalistic fervour aroused by the Occupy protests, with a call for an alternative beyond the current dire political outlook of partisan politics and limiting left/right perspectives.
Reid’s uncompromising spirit shines through the course of this album. This is a man whose footsteps aim to re-find the path set down by the luminaries of the independent music scene. While the machine-gun delivery of his words recalls the lyrical fire and brimstone of Bob Dylan, as well as the acerbic energy of Johnny Cash, the quick-fire musical vignettes that fill this LP bring to mind punk stalwarts the Wire. Resultantly, Billie Reid’s music is a volatile hybrid, combining the purebred folk compulsions of bluegrass and rockabilly, infused with Reid’s own punk-influenced approach to songwriting. This street walkin’ cheetah, with a heart full of napalm, has a lot to say about love, loss, and the state of the world. Put more simply, Billie Reid is a poet and he **** **** knows it!
“Poet, songwriter, Billie Reid eschews the road of rock’n’roll excess and fake outrage”
Some people sell out, they get worn down or just become plain desperate for a payoff or hunger fame, but for others their music and words are non-negotiable. They never do the record company thing and can’t sway from their chosen path, always true to their roots it’s in the DNA of their lyrics and tunes. That’s Billie Reid. Perhaps he knew he would never fit in. Honest and unpretentious with an almost indifferent disregard to what was fashionable and in the charts. He couldn’t and wouldn’t play the music biz game.
But Billie isn’t desperate for fame, he won’t play that game. Reclusive and flying under the radar he eschews the road of rock’n’roll excess and fake outrage, and in his own way his game plan has made him the underdog. It’s a dangerous fickle game that can lead to nowhere, but with this territory comes credibility and I guess this is priceless, and Billie has it by the bucket load.
His songs are here. Give them time and they will slowly seep into your life. All that matters is the moment and the emotion. Simple words, honest musicianship.
Billie Reid | Single Tachyon Extrapolation of Existence | Ode To The Dudes | Youtube
“…. this is the lightspeed and below universe of our physical senses, the single-particle-theory tachyon soup created as the single tachyon intersects with itself in different places at the same time, and the same place at different times; this may be metaphorically considered as the consciousness of creation, the mind ….“
Just as the cosmos in its physical sense is a totally inter-related manifestation of its component attributes of gravitational and electromagnetic coincidence, so the events/consciousness’s within that cosmos may be seen to be dependent on/connected to everything else that occurs within that same instant (i.e, synchronicity). Accepting this, and being that we can have no real concept of (or existence in) an instantaneous universe, we may extrapolate that for all our intents and purposes a combined continuity of time and space is a prerequisite of our conscious awareness of the reality that we appear to occupy and that therefore, all events throughout time and space are influenced by and influencing all other events within that continuum in a coherent and instantaneous manner regardless of temporal and/or spatial remoteness. This is the lightspeed and below universe of our physical senses, the single-particle-theory tachyon soup created as the single “tachyon” (4want’v betr word, i.e, instantaneous particle/wave “pixel/bit/packet” … no mass, no volume, “just” infinite velocity) intersects with itself in different places at the same time, and the same place at different times; this may be metaphorically considered as the consciousness of creation, the mind. The faster than light realm of the uninterrupted tachyon may be thought of as the subconscious mind of Eternity (as above, so below etc). We have the potential (in our role as an interface between rational/instinctive/emotional consciousness, between physical/spiritual, matter and energy) to challenge the apparent boundaries of our existence, to examine the walls of our cell for loose stones, to grab a can of spray paint and try to tag the invisible as it moves amongst us. Some try…. this is their Lounge … Welcome to the Dawn … “The game is afoot” … Eternity Beware, Oblivion is at hand. LOL.