“… this is the lightspeed and below universe of our physical senses, the single-particle-theory “tachyon soup” created as the single “tachyon” intersects with itself in different places at the same “time”, and the same place at different times; this may be metaphorically considered as the consciousness of creation, the mind”
Just as the cosmos in its physical sense is a totally interrelated manifestation of its component attributes of gravitational and electromagnetic coincidence, so the events/consciousness’s within that cosmos may be seen to be dependent on/connected to everything else that occurs within that same instant (i.e., synchronicity). Accepting this, and being that we can have no real concept of (or existence in) an instantaneous universe, we may extrapolate that for all our intents and purposes a combined continuity of “time” and space is a prerequisite of our conscious awareness of the reality that we appear to occupy and that therefore, all events throughout “time” and space are influenced by and influencing all other events within that continuum in a coherent and instantaneous manner regardless of temporal and/or spatial remoteness. This is the lightspeed and below universe of our physical senses, the single-particle-theory “tachyon soup” created as the single “tachyon” (instantaneous particle/wave “pixel/bit/packet”, no mass, no volume, “just” infinite velocity) intersects with itself in different places at the same “time”, and the same place at different times; this may be metaphorically considered as the consciousness of creation, the mind. The faster than light realm of the uninterrupted “tachyon” may be thought of as the subconscious mind of Eternity (as above, so below etc). We have the potential (in our role as an interface between rational/instinctive/emotional consciousness, between physical/spiritual, “matter” and energy) to challenge the apparent boundaries of our existence, to examine the walls of our cell for loose stones, to grab a can of spray paint and try to tag the invisible as it moves amongst us. Some try…. this is their Lounge → Welcome to the Dawn … “The game is afoot” … Eternity Beware, Oblivion is at hand.
Billie Reid
“… ‘Reality’ IS a Con$truct of the Corporate mentality De$igned for the Manipulation of $lave$ and the Maintainance of the $tatus quo. The reality is, there is no reality”
Billie Reid | Single Tachyon Extrapolation of Existence | Ode To The Dudes | Youtube
“Poet, songwriter, Billie Reid eschews the road of rock’n’roll excess and fake outrage”
Some people sell out, they get worn down or just become plain desperate for a payoff or hunger fame, but for others their music and words are non-negotiable. They never do the record company thing and can’t sway from their chosen path, always true to their roots it’s in the DNA of their lyrics and tunes. That’s Billie Reid. Perhaps he knew he would never fit in. Honest and unpretentious with an almost indifferent disregard to what was fashionable and in the charts. He couldn’t and wouldn’t play the music biz game.
But Billie isn’t desperate for fame, he won’t play that game. Reclusive and flying under the radar he eschews the road of rock’n’roll excess and fake outrage, and in his own way his game plan has made him the underdog. It’s a dangerous fickle game that can lead to nowhere, but with this territory comes credibility and I guess this is priceless, and Billie has it by the bucket load.
His songs are here. Give them time and they will slowly seep into your life. All that matters is the moment and the emotion. Simple words, honest musicianship.