“Poet, singer-songwriter, environmentalist, Billie Reid’s pedigree is pure mongrel”
Billie Reid’s ‘Ode To The Dudes’ album feels like it’s been in my collection since I first started listening to songs and buying records. Somehow it survived being a throwback to another age. There is something in being true to your craft. It sounds a bit loose and wild yet it’s hard and polished. The mood is playful yet there is no mawkishness and cloying sentimentality. Small details bounce off hard edges. The music is tight, no clever stuff, it’s from the heart. Yes it’s radio friendly but that means it’s highly listenable. The pedigree is pure mongrel – is a bit of this and a bit of that. Punk ethos with a side serve of Parisian swing, and some Alan Ginsberg beat poetry.
Billie’s a poet – the words flow and his mood is loving, remorseful, angry, …. it’s a young man’s album yet it’s mature and the cynicism is counter-balanced by the optimistic tenant of Billie’s voice.
How come Billie’s slipped through the radar. He doesn’t want to bring down the government or challenge the powers that be …. oh no! Short sharp hormonal rock, the Buzzcocks and The Flaming Groovies, with Elvis Costello sneer. He’s a 2 minute troubadour. Get in quick with a killer blow, then blow your stack and go. Billie’s up there with the Go-Betweens and the Triffids. He’s now seeped into my life. If this is all Billie Reid ever does, this small collection of songs, he’s pulled it off. No bloated self indulgence, no posturing and preening, it’s all here in his music. Quite remarkable!
John Young (Contemporary Musicologist)